
Affordable Salvage Cars for Sale

Cheaper Cars for Australians

The Federal Government expects the “vast majority” of Australians will still buy new cars from local dealerships, even if they are given the freedom to import vehicles directly from overseas.

Cabinet has agreed to consider removing the barriers restricting Australian buyers from bringing new cars in from overseas, after another round of public consultation. The Government said it would give consumers more choice and access to cheaper cars once the local automotive industry closed in 2017. However, the Government is “not inclined” to take the same approach with imports of second-hand cars.The minister responsible, Jamie Briggs, has told the ABC the Government wanted to reform the act to ensure Australians could buy the safest and best quality cars at the best possible price.


  • “The real issue here is: why regulate if you’re now part of a global regime?” the Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development said.
  • “We allow [...]
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